I met a man - a very pregnant man - tears in his eyes - the baby too - told me to legalize gun care or his baby would die.
I’m a dude in Oregon. I regularly make bad life decisions and do not make a habit of learning from my mistakes.
I met a man - a very pregnant man - tears in his eyes - the baby too - told me to legalize gun care or his baby would die.
Imagine getting fitted with body armor suited for a different body type and having to just deal with it when rounds are coming at you. Yeah, we need a new language to make sense of non-cis people in the military, but we shouldn’t sacrifice their lives because of it.
I bet you’re in the same boat. In the interim, we use the language necessary to keep us alive and respect everyone in our crew in the process. But yeah, guys calling girls “females” outside of that is weird and definitely a red card for dating. That should be the brunt of our attention.
Just evolved enough to stop Humpty Dumpty syndrome.
Evolution is a fickle mistress. Time does not always garner intelligence. Or as pigeon would say, “coo”.
Who doesn’t want to leave a sparkly, effervescent corpse after dying of asphyxiation and painful organ failure due to excessive carbonic acid buildup?
I’ll have the brain bullet, thanks.
I appreciate the quantification.
So is the Likert, but I bet you anyone trying hard enough can get gayer.
It’s the quantum gay that we really have to measure, but I can’t pin its velocity for some reason.
That’s reserved for Greg.