You could keep the kernel tho while changing the gui
You could keep the kernel tho while changing the gui
That’s why I always go back in time to write all of my permanent messages into the cosmic microwave background at the start of the universe
I think trader joe’s is more popular than aldi sud where I am in the US
the flexity wein is one of the best looking modern tramsets imo
Yeah, I think you have to start Skyrim VR with openvr while in the steam VR home iirc or it won’t work correctly
Using openxr would give better performance but then the bindings fall apart
And yea the index is currently pretty outdated imo, I would definitely wait
here are some pages I found from the last time I looked into this
Such as in The Expanse
(I don’t think she was trans but that’s what the name reminds me of)
Microsoft had relatively interesting ideas concerning 3D and VR content, then proceeded to do an extremely mediocre execution, simultaneously dumbing everything down while also making it hard to use, and then proceeded to discontinue their software after almost never touching it again for seven years
I have a Reverb G2 (windows mixed reality headset), it is really a good headset and is still competitive with the Quest 3 in several areas for use on PC. The WMR software itself isn’t that bad and I think if it had more care and attention put into it it could genuinely have been great. If they had better home options, user created homes, more customization and the ability to fix things in place so you don’t accidentally move them, the ability to add (even just user created) minigames and dynamic objects that stay in the world, and (most importantly) the ability to actually invite other people into the space to play with you and launch into other games. They’re Microsoft, they were large enough and early enough that I’m sure they could even have gotten game developers on board with some protocol that automatically brings people you’re playing with into a multiplayer session of whatever game you start. I think they were onto something with their home system and could have fleshed the software out into something much better than even the modern competition. Of course it’s all discontinued now, the latest version of Windows doesn’t even support it, I plan to continue to use the old version until it stops getting security patches in 2026 and then switch to Linux where hopefully the open source people will finally fully support using controllers.
Clearly the best way is to first separate hue, saturation, and value, and then combine them but set value to 1
I did some messing around
Minecraft vanilla actually lets you edit the vertex and fragment shaders now I think
I looked it up and apparently it was introduced in 1.17, but they allowed you to add a custom post processing shader from back in 1.7
“The surge of emotion that shot through me when I saved your life taught me an even more valuable lesson: where woke_mind_virus lives in my brain. [Announcer: “woke_mind_virus deleted.”] Goodbye, woke_mind_virus.”
now that republicans don’t need to block the deal to decrease Biden’s popularity ig
I feel like storing steam at nearly infinite pressure is easier than getting steam to nearly infinite pressure
If space efficiency is a priority, I would say just take a normal restroom, add better locks, stall walls that actually go the full height and all of the way to the ground, and have a urinal section around a corner so that it is fully out of view from the (security camera monitored) common area where the sinks are
So it cannot tell the difference between different receptor strengths, such as bright blue vs dark blue, each only has a presence and an absence, like a 1-bit per channel quantized image?
Surely it could also see blue in the same place as it sees red, and then gain information from that even if it does not interpret that as purple?
If both of these were true than it would be able to see 2^12=4096 distinct ‘colors’ (where each is a combination of wavelengths originating from the same area)
Can they not see the strength of colors, only their presence? Or can they not see different colors in the same location?
Is it just that they can see the color channels separately but not combine them?
Just the span of wavelengths isn’t the only thing that’s important, the spectral resolution is also important. For example, theoretically with 6 different cones we would be able to tell the difference between the mixture of red and green wavelengths vs only seeing yellow wavelengths.
Or the mixture of blue and red wavelengths vs violet wavelengths, which just happen to be at the furthest possible point from the red wavelengths. Human color perception is strange.
Surely they could see some color half as strong in the same place as another? Where does the difference come from?
actually tengwar is proposed to come into unicode at some point in the future, but currently I think it is uncertain due to copyright