The fact that there aren’t near continuous attempts on his life every day is an embarrassment to the so-called “don’t tread on me” attitude of the American people.
The fact that there aren’t near continuous attempts on his life every day is an embarrassment to the so-called “don’t tread on me” attitude of the American people.
Turning the lights off and on is usually how you deal with a cranky misbehaving group of children.
So yeah. Let’s do it just for the sake of the metaphor.
That Ozempic chewing orange twat has never physically jumped in his life, let’s be honest.
He’s probably absolutely flabbergasted that his investment is paying off far better than he could have ever forseen.
Looks like something i’d attempt in Kerbal Space Program before I understood what Centre-of-lift meant.
Okay, to put it another way:
Once the child is born, it stops being literally a part of its mother and instead becomes an individual.
but it’s not like any sudden development occurs at the moment of birth.
You mean other than breathing its own air and no longer being physically connected to its mother’s womb? I’d call that pretty significant. I would argue that the moment it breaths its first breath on its own rather than as a part of its mother’s uterus, it becomes a murder victim, not an abortion.
You are absolutely correct regarding AI. I hadn’t considered that. It gives me something to think about. Thanks!
deleted by creator
I lean pretty hard left who is also pro death-penalty (IN VERY SPECIFIC CIRCUMSTANCES)
If the case has absolutely been proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
All appeals have been exhausted.
Proof is absolutely undeniable.
Guilty party shows no remorse.
Crime is suffiently heinous (mass murder, child killing, serial killers, etc…)
A legitimate psychiatric board has deemed that there is little to no chance at rehabilitation nor does the guilty party show any inclination to want to rehabilitate.
if ALL those things are true, (plus some that I haven’t even considered) then I would rather execute them than pay for their living expenses for the rest of their natural life, or worse see them released at the end of their sentance absolutely knowing that they’ll do it again.
we’re not all robots
Sounds like something a robot would say…
Ukraine should strike a deal for those minerals with the European Union as a way to tell Trump to go fuck himself.
Call his bluff.
American soft power around the globe relies on having those bases on foreign soil.
I somewhat believe that there won’t be a U.S. if that begins to happen. At some point, the states themselves will have to do something drastic for their own sake rather than let that idiot do something so inconceivably bad as starting a global conflict.
Maybe it’s unfounded optimism, but I feel like the United States would self-immolate before a war against the EU could take off.
most european nations have no standing armies, and no conventional weapons stockpiles
Wherever you’re getting your information from, you should probably look elsewhere.
If the U.S. doesn’t want to be a part of NATO anymore, than they can get their military bases off of NATO territory and European countries can (and should) up their spending to re-man and re-arm those bases under the flags of countries that aren’t dickheads.
I don’t think Trump understands just how much of America’s global exercise of power relies on the good will of having countries willing to have them in their territory.
Because -isms exist in a binary world (sexism, racism, etc…)
Any increase in visibility for whatever minority they happen to hate, is a decrease in visibility for them (in their feeble transactional little minds) and it drives them bonkers.
Russia doesn’t want anything from the the U.S. except what it’s already doing. Fucking shit up on the international stage and thereby destabilizing NATO.
Any decrease is Western Hegemony is good for Russia. It doesn’t matter whether they achieve it by tossing some people out of windows, or by helping an orange toddler ascend to the highest office in the U.S.
The only freedom’s you’ll have left is the ability to vote on what America names its version of the Lada
Without presuming your level of knowledge about world history, I’ll say that Trump used Fentanyl the same way that Hitler used the Reichstag fire, as an excuse to give him the emergency power to do such things unilaterally.