Pink Floyd is my favorite quote machine, one of my all times is “There’s someone in my head, but it’s not me”.
Pink Floyd is my favorite quote machine, one of my all times is “There’s someone in my head, but it’s not me”.
Type O Negative, doom and gloom is my cup of tea even when I’m not sad lol.
Absolut skräp till människa
💪Experienced, trained and fed💪
Awful :I
Birch! They’re just so beautiful!
What about the PLOOF?!?
Try screaming “UNIX SURREALISM” at your phone
Mom found the skeleton drawer
I hate this lol
Bruh someone explain this to me
I think “Eatball” refers to the vegetarian option they offer
Gothic metal, Peter Steele is my spirit animal and Type O Negative is the soundtrack of my life.
Denmark isn’t real, it’s a fabrication of big pork to keep us in line. Don’t believe their lies.
Bless you
God I wish that was me