ELO is based on how well you do against other players, right? If you’re getting better at the same rate as your average opponent, you’d see no increase.
ELO is based on how well you do against other players, right? If you’re getting better at the same rate as your average opponent, you’d see no increase.
This sounds like a problem with your organization. I use windows at the hospital where I work, and we don’t run into these kinds of issues. Yeah it is rife with other issues like goading you into using microsoft edge, one drive, and more, but updates are handled by IT.
That’s cool. I may keep an eye out for old Kindles in thrift stores and whatnot. With the advent of android tablets that just have e paper displays, I probably will try those before buying another kindle.
It’s not something that anyone should strive for. but asking your troops to trust someone who is claiming to surrender given the fact (?) that this has happened is asking a lot of them in a life or death situation. No one wins no matter what you choose here, but it’s war. That’s not exactly surprising.
Yeah I think I would never have gotten into prog rock if I was limited to the radio. That would have sucked.
More and more I’ve seen these contextless comments. It’s really odd. Do people just expect us to know what they’re thinking?
Where is BSD? I feel like there are still steps before you reach TempleOS.
I think the comment was more about politicians banning weapons based on how they look. It really doesn’t matter how a firearm aesthetically looks, and politicians should use their capabilities to determine if they should be banned. I know that this is an issue to a degree in the US. I don’t know about Canada.
I don’t like the bassoon a ton, but I can’t believe they made an anti bassoon weapon first. How do we deal with the trumpet section?
The Jews being safe in the US is sadly not guaranteed in the future, especially with the rise of Nazis here. The existence of Israel isn’t guaranteed either, but the thing that compelled many people to establish it is that Jews at least had some agency in their own safety there.
I don’t know if billionaires are the product of capitalism per se. Billionaires are people who have found out how to exploit the current system the best. In a socialistic society there are plenty of opportunities for corruption and exploitation of the working class. The rules are just a bit different. Billionaires definitely will defend capitalism since it’s how they’re currently winning the game, but they’ll adapt as soon as they need to as well. That or the winners will be a different group of people. Either way, the most powerful will always look for ways to consolidate even more power.
Agreed. You can’t argue with how effective it’s been for the country as a whole, but I don’t think i’d rather live there as an individual.
People will find ways to accrue wealth and power even if you change the rules of the game. Sometimes people on this platform make it sound like socialism or communism can solve our problems. but it’s not that simple.
I hope not. I’m not ready for the year of the BSD desktop.
For some reason, it didn’t work on OpenBSD. I couldn’t install the file sets until I wrote the image to the flash drive normally.
I admit that I’m skeptical since everyone is a node. It probably is fine, but I don’t know the risks that I take by volunteering as a node. I thought that VPNs can be fine as long as they don’t store logs, but I could be mistaken.
I got interested in Linux in college since it’s used a bunch in physics. I even tried it a bit on my personal laptop. Fast forward to the steam deck releasing and windows just getting worse and worse, I decided to go for it. So far it fulfills all my needs on a home PC. It did require some fiddling to make it work, but now the fiddling and troubleshooting are very minimal and occasional.
I was prepared for it (relatively speaking lol) because I had used it before. I did hop between distros for a bit as well before finally settling on Pop! OS since it’s Ubuntu based, and the support on forums for Ubuntu issues is ubiquitous. I do kind of miss open SUSE sometimes though.
The Tower of Babel. Both sides unify to fight God.