ATi EGA Wonder, it could do a whopping 640 x 350 with 16 colors!
ATi EGA Wonder, it could do a whopping 640 x 350 with 16 colors!
It’s not the numbers but the content, if they are good natured and have knowledge or entertainment to give the numbers will follow BUT people will also watch a dumpster fire. People with high numbers but lack the rest are not influencers. IMHO, People that go around saying they are “influencers” usually are not and are just bullies trying to throw around weight they don’t have to get free stuff or cause harm.
usually not, you have to be the person who stays there, you can’t sublet. And you still have to pay your percentage weather you use your time or not.
Sounds like a time share. You would own a percentage of the apartment with a bunch of other people, You would have to book the time you wanted to use the apartment and you would be limited to the number of weeks you could book as the other people would be there when your not. Also lots and lots of rules!
I work in IT and users will get upset if you give them the “Please put in a ticket” line. So for the people that might grumble at this stance but there is good reasons for it in addition to not clogging up this community it’s good for QA. I’m new to Lemmy so not sure if the SAs and Devs frequent [email protected] but I suspect they do and driving support questions to a common spot will help analyze need for new features, UI changes, bug fixes, etc.
Just my 2 cents but I like your stance.
OK, Nabu