Yeah well TikTok was “saved” by Trump and a right winger has a 14% share. I’ve definitely seen more questionable comments and videos since it got “saved”.
Yeah well TikTok was “saved” by Trump and a right winger has a 14% share. I’ve definitely seen more questionable comments and videos since it got “saved”.
Isn’t that most wars for the last 50 years though to be honest?
Would any allies be dragged in to support Canada? Could it escalate?
AI is just a reflection of humanity.
They’ll bounce back.
Re-read what you wrote, it contradicts itself.
One side being even worse makes the other side less bad.
Dude we get it… You’re poor it’s ok
How many people encounter mosquitos Vs hippos?
Hippopotamus is one of the most dangerous animals in existence and it’s a herbivore.
Reading this comment thread has made Muffin lose all meaning. Isn’t it such a funny word when you think about it
Cool now do gambling
Next time this happens you should volunteer to fly out and gently remove the polar bear for them.
Are you actually a scientist?
Air Conditioning to mitigate climate change? That’s like dowsing a fire with lighter fluid.
And you think we’ll be able to out engineer the sun? In 250million years we will not be here guaranteed, and if somehow we make it it won’t be in any form we know as human.
Same thing with Jews and Judaism
It’s thin air and racism. To argue other than that is ignorance and racism. Attacking innocent people no matter what you think a select few from their community do is racism.
Good please go. Nothing of value will be lost.
As a mother with a 8 month old she was likely sticking to 70 mph.
What about black disabled women?
Read this absolute steaming pile of pig shit.
Reddit killed Stumbleupon for me, that’s how I discovered it to be honest. Before then I’d used Digg but that got killed with new Digg