Oh look, his age is setting in! He is forgetting things now!
Oh look, his age is setting in! He is forgetting things now!
Eh, could be worth a shot!
Don’t underestimate it. Aldi Nordistan covers almost all of Prussia, so the heritage is strong. If they form a temporary alliance with the Lidl League, the Aldi Südetenland stands no chance.
Mouldy pizza is just a delayed Pizza Funghi. All is well.
I mean, it fits a country where saying “Long live the King!” is rebellious.
Yeah, the accumulation of minor issues in the world building is getting out of hand.
The guys who’ve named daddy longlegs have taken all the provisioned silliness for the next few centuries.
Dear god, no, just imagine the bureaucracy. First you have to contact the Bundesamt für Soldatenspontangrenzüberschreitung for a Überraschungshochwasservortäuschungsmanöverbewegungskriegsplanerlaubnisantragsvorlage.
Absolutely yes. Which I’d also assume to be part of the reason brands coming around with memes are always so late to the party. The legal issues and getting the consent of all copyright holders (if even known at that point) is going to be a pain in any legal department’s ass. I doubt it would be much different for a private meme exhibit.
Of course, by 2100, there would be a historical context to view it from.
I wasn’t expecting a serious answer but you’re absolutely right!
Time to get the Meme Collage of Alexandria going.
If that somehow catches on fire, you can at least re-establish the phrase “This meme is lit”.
However, it would be somewhat entertaining to see the AfD melting down over getting it back. On the one hand, you have some of the old territory back, but on the other hand, there’s so many foreigners getting your nationality now…
Whew, I’ve thought this was a photo of my chest type freezer, for a split second!
To be fair, you may not always want a permanent fix for everything. Mostly because the most permanent solution will always be a temporary one. :v
Oh neat, AI can imitate my internal monologue while writing a business e-mail!
On the one hand yes, but on the other hand, I really don’t want to see a power vacuum in this government right now. Before you know it, Elon announces himself the One True Successor™.