They could also make their own play store and apple store, and could charge the developers much lower fees, for the same apps that would work anywhere. It would cost them very little and be nothing but profit.
Yet another refugee who washed up on the shore after the great Reddit disaster of 2023
They could also make their own play store and apple store, and could charge the developers much lower fees, for the same apps that would work anywhere. It would cost them very little and be nothing but profit.
Trump’s body looks about 50 years too young in this.
I’m an American and I’m upvoting this. After 2016, I thought that there were some misguided people who didn’t realize what they were doing, but that the first Trump term would push the pendulum hard the other direction. I felt a little validated when Biden won in 2020, but it wasn’t as one sided as I’d hoped. But Trump winning decisively in 2024 tells me that everyone knew and did it anyway. People are getting what they want: rampant racism, sexism, and global bullying.
So yes, we suck, and no one should trust us as a country, regardless of the fact that there are many of us who knew how catastrophic another Trump term would be.
There’s a saying, something like “When you’re used to privilege, equality feels like oppression.” It’s the same with white folks who feel like it’s a big deal when there’s more than a token POC in something. It must be DEI, right?
I’m a straight, white, middle class male, but I’m fully aware that my life experience is much different from so many other peoples’. And I’ve never understood why some people feel like it takes away from them when someone else gets something, like the straight folks who feel like it takes away from straight marriage if gay folks can marry.
People are weird.
It’s not the same at all, but it sounds clever, so the base will suck it up and repeat it.
Yes, because you’ll be too busy being infuriated by badly designed user interfaces that you realize could have so easily been better.
To be fair, torties aren’t happy about much of anything
Why does “gruntled” sound even more unhappy than “disgruntled?”
The BBC and Reuters have both gone way, way downhill in recent years, but the concept is reasonably valid. AP and NPR are still good. Aljazeera is actually pretty decent for US news, though I’m not sure if that’s true for US news related to the middle east.
No, some whoppers end up with the inside not all whipped and crunchy, but a little chewy. They’re great.
Are you taking about those weird chewy ones? Because those are my favorites.
At my company, is have to tell that guy he can’t wear that hat because we don’t allow people to wear political stuff. I’m not a fan of dress codes, but I’m a fan of that one.
But wait, I’m in my 60s.
No one gives someone “a bunch” of gift cards - it seems like you’re racing to validate your dislike of them. And I’m going to feel weird if my sister invites me to get a massage with her, though I appreciated it when she gave me a prepaid one years ago.
Here’s another example. My brother barely makes ends meet, but he loves Starbucks. Of I give him $100 cash, is not going to move the needle for his cost of living, but it’s going to go to bills. Of I give him $100 on a Starbucks card, he’s going to treat himself a bunch of times to something he loves but can’t really afford.
The other thing about it is that cash usually gets interpreted as “I put no thought into what to get you,” while a gift card at least says you had something in mind.
It’s interesting, they used to think that having a big vocabulary or knowing multiple languages delayed having Alzheimer’s. It turns out that family often first become aware that a person is developing Alzheimer’s because the person starts regularly forgetting common words, but people with big vocabularies can come up with alternatives when they can’t remember one, so their family doesn’t recognize it as early. When those people are diagnosed, they end up being further along.
I’m not at all bothered by “swear words,” and I’ll use them occasionally (mostly when I think it’s funny), but it’s somewhat rare. I just don’t find it very necessary most of the time. I can usually make my point just find without, but sometimes the emphasis seems right out, again, it seems funnier.
So if a group of guys came to your neighbors house and told the family that they’re going to move into it with them, you wouldn’t be for removing them, even if that meant a fight? It would be better to just let them move in because that way no one gets hurt?
And if they successfully move into your neighbor’s house, they might have eyes on your house next.
Russia is trying to take over Ukraine, a sovereign country, by force, and other countries are trying to help Ukraine fight Russia. Yes, people on both sides are dying. Ukrainians apparently overwhelmingly believe it’s worth the fight.
I block the really prolific meme ones, anything with content mostly posted by bots, and the gay male stuff. I also block the prolific bots themselves.
Need a running list of all the confirmed falsehoods Musk has personally shared. Seems to be increasing.
Pretty sure Canada could do as good of a job as anyone though.