nope, people vote anti-woke candidates because the algorithm feeds them woke-gone-mad bullshit. I really wonder how people would think if much of our interactions and media consumption wasn’t based on algorithm blindly steering towards engagement.
nope, people vote anti-woke candidates because the algorithm feeds them woke-gone-mad bullshit. I really wonder how people would think if much of our interactions and media consumption wasn’t based on algorithm blindly steering towards engagement.
I noticed that with Zelensky he’s been talking about ‘raw earth’ instead of rare earth. And not just a slip of the tongue, he did it consistently throughout the meeting. While with the meeting with UK prime minister Starmer, a few days earlier, he said it properly. So he knew the word, but forgot?
Their first, still very polite disagreement that evening was when Trump said that the US has given a lot more aid than Europe did, to which Zelensky very politely replies ‘they gave a lot’, clearly avoiding the obvious ‘they gave more’, to which Trump then replies ‘they gave a lot, but much less than we did’, to which Zelensky replies with a clear ‘no.’ and then they laugh. You could argue that Zelensky does not need to do that, but he gives credit where credit is due to the Europeans, and he doesn’t let a blatant lie about an ally slide. It’s the type of moment that’s beautiful and horrendous at the same time. Source: https://youtu.be/CSe0ntgfpq4?t=726
through precedent we know that A5 invocations can (and almost certainly will) trigger military aid.
I don’t see why this is ‘almost certain’. You rightfully point out that the EU clause leaves wiggle room, but I don’t see why you think that room is not there with NATO. I don’t know if the current US president cares much about any precedents. If he can wiggle he will wiggle. I don’t think Europe trusts US to honor A5 any more.
After decades long alliannce-building, the US don’t seem to value them anymore. It’s a strange phenomenon where someone works so hard for such a long time, only to throw it all away some day. Trump frames it all as if the US is being taken advantage of. The truth is that the US gets tremendous benefits from it’s central position of power. If the US breaks away from their alliances, they risk the tides turning against them. If the US is being taken advantage of by appararently all others countries in the world, isn’t it remarkable how it’s doing so well economically? That normal folks aren’t doing well is not a consequence of the economy as a whole not doing well, because by comparison it’s doing phenomenal. It’s because all the money goes to companies and shareholders.
Watch the telly. Television tends to keep people somewhat informed but apathetic.
If they’d make people actually feel the horrors of the world, then people would stop watching. They know this so what they do is deliver it all in a way that promotes apathy. They do show you things but structure it so that the implicit message is: don’t worry, do watch but whatever you do, don’t worry, it’s all fine, business as usual. “New report comes out, humanity is destroying the planet faster than ever before, biodiversity is plumetting […] (jingle) there’s a genocide going on and we are supporting it […] (jingle) in other news: a baby panda was born at this zoo. […] (jingle) now for the weather. . […] (jingle) thank you for watching, see you tomorrow.”
What you’ll find is that despite you being somewhat aware of current events, most of the time it all feels like an abstract thing that doesn’t really worry you. Seldom does anything you see on the telly push you to do anything. “Some important news just reached me through the telly, that means that I will now do so and so…”, yeah right. I do nothing, maybe I walk to the fridge to get a soda, since ads do have calls to action. The news has a subliminal call to apathy. So I sit back down and continue to watch my entertainment.
saving them from what?
1 out of 2 poles has never seen a penguin.
Half of young Norwegians are wrong
Same here though I use Busuu. Used Duolingo in the past, to be fair there’s not that much difference between the two.
Been dreaming of a FOSS alternative, where people work together to make the best possible ever-improving courses, and all is free and customizable to your every need. That would be so awesome ! Surely some day some one will make this happen, right?
Been there in the past, but I actually have been doing all of the above past couple of years.
I recently read Peter Kropotkin’s The Conquest of Bread on anarcho-communism, and am currently reading Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson. I’ve been drawing geometric patterns, mostly based on the Islamic tradition of geometry, and after drawing the patterns I start painting to add some color. I throw them away after a while, but I just like the flow-experience of painting/drawing, don’t really care about the end-result. I’m studying French on a daily basis, mostly on Busuu, but also by watching French movies (most recently Le Proces Goldman) and reading French books (most recently Le Petit Prince). I watch on average 2 movies per week at my local cinema, got a subscription there, sometimes go with friends but I also often go alone. I enjoy going to museums and studying art history, so when I have the time I cross the country by train and make visits. I also take psychedelics (LSD and/or psilocybin) every 2 or 3 weeks. Psychedlics are a lot of fun, but I also actually believe they helped me grow as a person, from what the OP describes, to where I am now. Psychedelics aren’t for everyone, but still I’d highly recommend most people to try them out some time (responsibly of course).
That’s not limited to modern technologies. I have a lot of books laying around that are judging me by looking at me like ‘why the f are you still not reading me??’. Projection is my middle name
I learned that just now.
There’s a system in place for that. It’s called ‘verklaring omtrent gedrag’. For many jobs and positions you need this certificate of conduct in order to apply. The ministry of justice will not hand out the certificate if your crime is related to the position you apply for. This means he would probably never be allowed to work at a school for instance.
Never asserted that notion. Of course you’re free to do so. I am just saying it’s self righteous and not helping any one.
I am not at all telling victims to shut up. You just made that up.
Dutch courts haven’t found him guilty of rape, but did find him guilty of having sex with a 12 year old. That itself is more than terrible but calling it rape despite this fact is in fact a misrepresentation of what happened. Sure it was terrible thing that he did and I am not defending his actions at all. I am defending his right to participate in sports events and pleading against trial by media/public outrage.
I’m not angry, just sharing my thoughts. How does it work? Like I said, I am against media-fueled public rage in cases like these.
He did serve his time, according to the Dutch rule. His initial sentence was longer because it was in the UK and over there they consider every sexual activity with a minor rape, where as in the Netherlands they differentiate between actual rape and misconduct.
Isn’t the whole idea of public broadcasting that it doesn’t need to be commercial, that it can go for quality of entertainment value?