If you’re in debt and it’s affecting your mental health and making you contemplate ending it all, don’t worry, there is a way to get your life back again. The following info is about the UK and N. Ireland, but it is highly likely similar info is available wherever you happen to be:
StepsChange is a charity that acts as a middleman between you and your debtors. The charity will negotiate reasonable and specially-tailored monthly payments for your debtors, which - depending on your income and savings and all that - will not cripple you every month. You can pay off what you owe and still have money left to live your fuckin’ life. Yes it’s a charity, but they don’t give you free money, you pay your own debts, but you just do it in a way that isn’t ruining you.
I’ve seen this work with multiple family members, so I can 100% vouch for StepsChange and the dream-like positive change it made in their lives. It takes what amounted to many hundreds of pounds a month and reduces it to like 30. It’s insane how much they can help you. Please contact them if you’re in financial trouble.
Similar charities must exist elsewhere, so look into it if you’re not from these parts. There is always hope.
Bro the human brain never fails to fascinate and terrify me in equal measure. We’re so fucking weird.