Not every oppressed Group of people can be compared to the Jews in Nazi Germany. 6 million trans people aren’t being killed they just have dubious health Coverage. Don’t get me wrong, history won’t look kindly on that.
Not every oppressed Group of people can be compared to the Jews in Nazi Germany. 6 million trans people aren’t being killed they just have dubious health Coverage. Don’t get me wrong, history won’t look kindly on that.
True… and frustrating.
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Just one?
Igor worked as a self-employed labourer
A spy.
€920,000 is just fine.
I assume each country would find that sweet spot for themselves. Either way that’s a crap ton of money. After that, taxes should be high.
I think “rich” nowadays starts at $1m usd/y. No one really needs more than that. I think 90% is a bit steep, but that leaves a lot of wiggle room for negotiation.
In all fairness to the “Jewish settlers,” a good portion of those people eyeing the Ill-gotten gains of the Israeli genocide aren’t Jewish at all.
Here’s to the fall of Putin 🍻
I feel like maybe the sarcasm was lost.
raised concerns about artistic freedom
Freedom in Russia? 😂☠️
So… they’re Putzis?
They aren’t Nazis. They are Russian agents. That’s why Putapute is sad.
All they have to do is weaken the election process and they can swoop in and grab everything. Thats how it is in the US too.
Right? I mean, the Palestinians and the Israelis got along just fine before Biden got elected….
Because anyone cares what the taliban thinks.
Planet Denial.
Are you saying recorded temperatures are being made up?
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