Corporations aren’t people, they don’t have deadnames or pronouns. Fire away
Corporations aren’t people, they don’t have deadnames or pronouns. Fire away
Also applies to misogyny in general. You can call out terfs (or just regular anti trans conservative women) for being bigoted shit faces without resorting to gendered attacks.
Those things filled with helium? Fr
This whole message reads like “we don’t actually care but we have to say that we do 😉🙂↕️”
TFW someone makes a desktop app but it’s literally just a bundled chrome browser page
Honestly this is pretty much it. Sometimes you have to be pretty aggressive to get companies to do the thing you need; they will take advantage of the social friction required to keep you in predatory arrangements. They literally design it to be frustrating so you’ll give up. Like you, I try to make it clear to the person I’m speaking with I have no problem with them just the business. But if the corporations require me to get mad to do the right thing I will get mad.
Turbine should connect to loudspeaker to make this a closer system lol
“I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s greatest stumbling block in his strike toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice.’
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Not to equivocate trans and black liberation because they are very different, but do you think “aggressive” or “non aggressive” supporter of race rights better slots into the whites who demonstrated their unwillingness to go along with racism or the ones who were like “I don’t care about your race, I’m not a racist, but how dare you ask me to support you in any meaningful or visible way?”
Deleting 107k lines of code is so much more based than adding 107k lines