Something along the lines of this
Something along the lines of this
I’d like to see MAGA’s cognitive dissonance in trying to conceptualize Trump getting peed on as a power move of his
There is petty revenge and then there is this.
Kegel would hate you
Black Americans were experimented on till 1972, for god’s sake. Get off your white horse and realize that America’s been wading oceans of blood.
Hitler literally modelled his policies after the American ones, but it’s easier to talk about an absolute evil that sprouted out of nowhere.
It’s kinda hard to dispel the richest man in the words narrative when he also owns a major social network
The sad thing is that your grandfathers were sent to fight and die in Europe only when it hurt America’s economic interests.
This isn’t a knock on your grandfather’s legacy.
she has criticized the concepts of political correctness and “woke” culture in the U.S., drawing parallels between political correctness in the U.S. and North Korea.
Are Americans really this gullible? I mean, they elected Trump twice, but… damn
Or only highly suggestive items
I have students who were born in Italy from foreign parents and have been living in Italy their whole life, but they have to wait till they turn 18 to get Italian citizenship.
Milei gets instant citizenship because our PM has a lady boner for anarcho-capitalists.
We have Marx and Engels
Because he’s a Nazi and wants to improve the gene pool
“Man, you didn’t have to do me dirty like that” *tries to bully the closest citizen
It’s a quote from the article Marx wrote after his Rheinische Zeitung got closed by Prussian censorship
Because we’ve always said that we won’t make any excuses for the terror when our turn comes.
No one smokes weed then gets overly horny.
Yes we do.
Let me introduce you to the Ape Poker
They’d blame Obama for being president while Black