It’s why most of the shows I watched as a kid had the maple leaf in the corner.
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It’s why most of the shows I watched as a kid had the maple leaf in the corner.
The movie is on CC? Doing Aaron proud.
Corpos talk a lot, without actually saying anything…
What??? People who are fed up with the megacorpos shittin on everyone, aren’t willing to pay for the services of those megacorpos when the free/torrent sources are removed? I am shocked!
I didn’t know USA law extends to Japan…
If all you need is to see if you likely have it (without an official diagnosis), you can search for ASRSv1.1. Answer the questions brutally truthfully. Again, it’s not a diagnosis, but it’ll tell you if you likely have it.
Knowing no one would read it, since they’re with family just trying to watch a lovely Christmas movie. Bastards.
Edit: autocorrect
Probably a catch-all for their next generation of Roku devices they’re developing.
Exactly. You get it. They only do this to help us little folks out. It’s out of love and compassion, that they allow the corpos to sue the living shit out of everyone for no true good reason. It’s not out of greed. Why can’t we understand that?!
Corpos pay them for this service appreciate the justice served, and providing housing, food, and healthcare costs money, not makes money isn’t part of law enforcement’s job duties.
That is a fair point lol
Civil wars were fought over ethical issues that were illegal. Similarly fueled civil wars will be fought in the future.
Block the French government. Done.
Nice collection of links. Thanks for sharing!
Mechanical Keyboard Sounds: Recordings of Bespoke and Customized Mechanical Keyboards
Edit: This is less music, and more relaxation sounds. But I really like it.
str 86;
str itmTo86;
86='get rid of';
info(strFmt('%1 %2',86,itmTo86));
(This won’t actually work, since you can’t assign ints as variables, but whatever. It was fun)
I have never heard of either 86 nor this speakeasy. What a cool thing to learn! Thanks for sharing this historic nugget!
Edit, autocorrect on grammar
I thought I read that somewhere, many years before this study “just” discovered it. Shoot, I’ve been using that knowledge as a coping mechanism for at least a decade lol
!! You completed the quote. It is seldom completed, and then it sounds like a bad thing (a jack of all trades is a master of none). But you. You did right by us all lol