Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but I need some advice. Tomorrow at 16:00 I need to pee into a cup at the doctor’s office for a drug test and I am a very shy pee-er. Should I hold my morning pee from 8:00 to 16:00 to make sure I have enough of it or should I pee as soon as I wake up and drink water throughout the day and hope I have enough? Thank you all.

    7 months ago

    Don’t take sips of water. Chug your water. Get like 24-36oz of water and start taking big gulps about 15 minutes before your appointment. Something about chugging down water vs sipping makes me want to urinate immediately. This is pretty common for me when I’m in the gym… there’s a point a lot of times where sipping on water just isn’t enough and I have this urge to gulp down a good cup’s worth of water… then about 10 minutes later I have to go urinate.

    Go ahead and test it out today… seriously. Don’t sip your water just chug down two glasses of water and time it, within a half hour or so you should get that sensation to urinate.