Why are they carrying it that way, so unsafe
Cause it’s a comic and needed a punchline.
I am not from the US, why isn’t it safe? Doesn’t it have a safety where you can turn the gun off?
I believe proper gun safety teaches people to treat every gun as loaded and safety off. Same reason it’s extremely unsafe to point a supposedly empty gun at someone.
‘Never point any firearm at anything you are not intending to destroy’ is like rule one of any gun range or weapons safety course.
This is taught not only to instill fear and respect, but because weapon malfunctions and user errors happen, and they maim and kill people.
I have had squib rounds on the range, and shitty .22 ammo go off 4 seconds after i pulled the trigger. Had I just assumed it was immediately a dud and gone to clear it without waiting, I could have shot the person in the next stall.
Based on their pin their gender is Bottom and their pronouns are Sussy/Baka
Bottom isn’t a gender.
Why isn’t it possible?
Based AF right there
won’t be the only nonbinary in the room cos your pronouns about to be were/was
Armed minorities are harder to oppress
As a boring ass cisgender I approve this message
As a mormon raised cisgender I used this meme to shutdown a family conversation.
Thank you for your service.
Fuck me, hold tight. There’s a gun in your trousers. What’s a gun doing in your trousers? What’s to stop it from blowing your bits off every time you sit down?
Hi there from [email protected]
A proper carry holster is designed to protect the trigger/trigger guard to prevent the pistol from firing.
If the left would stop trying to disarm the powerless, it would be a lot easier to get on board.
Here’s some left for you:
“Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary” Karl Marx
As someone not from the US…this is a bit weird.
Why have they got a gun?
Always wear protection.
But a gun is not protective, it is only good for offense.
A ballistic shield would be.
I mean, they say the best defense is a good offense.
For people who ask stupid questions about their gender.