A video spreading on X and Telegram of a man purporting to be a Hamas fighter threatening the Olympics in Paris is part of a Russian-linked disinformation campaign meant to disrupt the event, according to researchers at Microsoft.

On Telegram, Hamas official Izzat al-Risheq denied the video had come from Hamas, calling it a forgery.

Researchers from Microsoft’s Threat Analysis Center, who reviewed the video at NBC News’ request, said it appears to have come from a known Russian disinformation group, noting that details of a previous video about Ukraine match it.

  • jaybone@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Seriously. “We’ve done a bunch of shitty shit, so nobody wants us around. So we’re going to do some more shitty shit because we’re assmad about it.” It’s just so ridiculous and childish. No wonder Trump loves these dickheads so much.