This guy called a conservative radio show and listed names of punk bands.
“One of my main problems is… I’m a Republican in a fairly liberal area, sometimes I feel like everyone is just Against Me!,” Dobi began, talking to host Liz Gabert. “I feel like what we need to do is listen to what our Descendents told us. ’Cause in the past we Refused to live a Life Of Agony. I’m Sick Of It All. Im sick of people thinking we’re just a Minor Threat. Enough of that Fugazi. A lot of these people just got Bad Brains, that are Misfits that waive Black Flag and they’re practically Anti-Flag. I think we need to Converge and help the Youth Of Today because every time you blink, 182 kids, they go missing…”
Only vid I could find was from the guy on shitter, sorry
i cant believe they managed to get blink-182 in there bahahaha
“I said it makes no difference to me but a dog can’t play basketball, but the woke lib ref says there ain’t no rule says a dog can’t play.”
I want to spread this rumour in conservative Facebook groups. They’d all fall for it.
Something something litter boxes