Lol wow. Erdogan was singing a very different tune less than 8 hours ago. I’d guess that some very pointed threats around security guarantees and future arms sales were made by the rest of the alliance for him to do an about-face that quickly.
I can’t imagine he’s someone to strongarm. Nor would it be good for the alliance if members are forced into accepting things they don’t want.
I’d imagine he got his desired concessions, or it was mostly just bluster for internal politics.
I think the US delegation took him aside and said something along the lines of “alright chucklefuck, going forward, if you want parts and technical support for any of the massive amounts of extremely advanced military shit we’ve sold you for decades, you’re going to stop fucking around on the Sweden accession”.
Yeahhh that’s not how diplomacy works. That’s how edgy high school kids would imagine running NATO.
You can’t fool us Erdogan, we’ve seen this move before.
By tomorrow he’ll have new demands. He’ll demand Sweden form a space agency and plant the Turkish flag on the moon or something like that, mark my words.
Everyone sort of figured he would once he won his rigged elections again. Gods I hope we don’t let him join the EU.
Huge democratic deficit and do they really follow European customs and values?
Quite the shock when Erdogan tried to blackmail his country into the EU. I hope Sweden will also not give in when it comes to burning religious books.
I would say there is a huge difference in culture and values when comparing to those people from Turkey who are very conservative or religious. We even have some here who voted in Germany for Erdogan!
But the difference isn’t that big with secular, non-conservative people. It is like Turkey has two sides.
European values are irrelevant for being a NATO member. But I believe being a democracy is a requirement, but USA is a somewhat flawed democracy too. But hen again no democracy is perfect.
Not NATO, the EU. Turkey is in NATO already, the other poster was probably mentioning EU because Erdogan has recently indicate he wanted to join before letting Sweden in NATO.
That doesn’t even make any sense. Erdogan has done nothing but backpedal on all the efforts Turkey had done before him to increase cooperation and become a member of EU. Erdogan clearly does NOT want Turkey to become a member of EU.
Also it’s completely unrealistic for Erdogan to wish to Join EU before Sweden becomes a member of NATO. In NATO all members want Sweden in, except Turkey and Hungary. In EU there are ZERO countries that want Turkey in the EU. So how would he realistically imagine it would be possible for Turkey to join EU before Sweden joins NATO.
Turkey is probably more at risk of being thrown out of NATO, unless they begin to moderate their behavior. Technically they don’t meet the requirements to be a member of NATO anymore.
lmao, thought it was a joke.
Wait it isn’t?
So I guess Turkey is getting some shiny new F16s?