I’m picking “Colonel” needs to be respelled to match how it’s pronounced.
Try to pick a word no one else has picked. What word are you respelling?
Thou shalt spell the word “Pheonix” P-H-E-O-N-I-X, not P-H-O-E-N-I-X, regardless of what the Oxford English Dictionary tells you.
“Arkansas” and “Kansas” are both from the Osage language, but the former passed through French on its way to English.
I like this one because I instantly knew what word it was despite it having a brand new spelling. Almost like letters should have meanings.
In this thread, a lot of folks who would use their one wish to make the language better.
But I would change “their” to be spelled “the’re” and pronounced “all’y’all’s”.
I hope I do grow up to be more like the rest of you, and make better choices, in the future.
Might start an argument but:
GIF -> GHIFIt’s actually pronounced “JIF”
It stands for the Jraphics Interchange Format
Giraffics? 🦒
Since Queue has already been posted: Quay. Now spelled Kee.
You and I pronounce ‘quay’ very differently.
How do you pronounce it? I had some American tourists ask me for directions to the “kway” before. Only time I’ve ever heard a different pronunciation.
I’ve always heard it pronounced kway… Is that wrong?
I can’t say really. Where I live (Ireland) it’s definitely pronounced “kee” but where you live “kway” might be correct. Fascinating stuff!
That’s wrong, even in the US.
It’s pronounced kway in a Pavement song.
It’s pronounced “kaye” in a Pogues song, but songs aren’t a good indication of pronunciation…poetic license reigns.
Hell, “reigns” is another candidate word.
I just wish we spelled things in a more German-‘esk’ fashion. They use K more appropriately. Examples such as “panik” and “akkordeon” for accordion. I find their spelling to be more straightforward and sensical.