Randomly on my laptop screen this appears and debian just freezes. Sometimes these vertical lines don’t appear and system freezes anyway. Its just random. How do i identify if this is hardware or software issue? and then how to identify exact piece of hardware or software causing this problem.
What GPU and driver are you using? Looks gpu driver related to me.
| What GPU and driver are you using? Looks gpu driver related to me.
That seems VERY important to note. Is that an Apple m3?
nope this is macbook pro 2012
Ok. Please add these infos, also the ones you added in comments, to your main post.
Otherwise you need to understand that not many people can help you
Oh that makes sense. Thanks!
for context, i have been using debian 12 for last 6 months perfectly fine. Its just from last week my laptop is randomly freezing and then I have to hard reset it everytime this happens, (pressing power off button for few seconds to force shutdown).
Oh yeah i totally agree!