Mother among 20 of the big cats flown in from Africa as part of plan to reintroduce animal to country
Hope the heat goes up to 100°C. That’s when fucking humans will learn.
Global warming denialists: died to nerve gas you say?
It was the Jewish Space Lasers!
God damnit…
After overcoming the shock ( This article is more than 2 months old! ) /s
This is really bad and sad. The beautiful cheetahs may not be among us for long.
I don’t get why they weren’t monitoring the cheetahs before one died. Seems negligent AF to import an animal and then watch it die. They literally let one die before deciding to do anything. These cheetahs aren’t pure, wild animals if they are imported. WTF India, maybe treat people and animals with more respect. Instead they’re response is, “Oopsies, I guess it was too hot while we watched them die. ” Morons.