Humans aren’t going to evolve towards intelligence. We’re a pretty short-sighted stupid species. We’re going to continue to devolve and kill ourselves off, one way or another.
Being ‘short-sighted’ is irrelevant. That’s not at all how all evolution works. Dollo’s Law of Irreversibility knocks down any notion of ‘devolving’ existing anyway. Evolutionary paths are not going to go trace themselves back again.
Humans aren’t going to evolve towards intelligence. We’re a pretty short-sighted stupid species. We’re going to continue to devolve and kill ourselves off, one way or another.
Climate change will get us eventually.
Being ‘short-sighted’ is irrelevant. That’s not at all how all evolution works. Dollo’s Law of Irreversibility knocks down any notion of ‘devolving’ existing anyway. Evolutionary paths are not going to go trace themselves back again.
I don’t consider “devolving” to mean tracing back evolutionary paths but, instead, adaptations that we don’t value.
Take Idiocracy for example. Humanity selectively breeding to become dumber with every genration. Devolving, not backwards, but away from intelligence.
Enter bioengineering: empathy virus