What Linux distribution or distributions do you personally use?
I myself am a daily Void user. I used to use Devuan, but wanted to try rolling release and ended up loving Void!
Debian. Several reasons:
- It’s trustworthy.
- It’s not going anywhere. Debian existed when I was a kid and it’ll probably still exist when I draw my last breath.
- I know how to use it, since, once again, I’ve been using it since I was a kid.
- It has all the desktop environments.
- It fully supports systemd. I do not miss the unreliability, slowness, and complexity of what came before that. (Normally I wouldn’t mention this, but your former distro of choice exists solely for the purpose of not having systemd, so it’s relevant this time.)
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NixOS. Declarative config with opt-in state is awesome.
Same here. It’s made my life a whole lot easier since on previous distros, I had to depend on documenting manual hacks I had done.
Fellow NixOS traveller. I used Nix for work and never saw the appeal of a whole OA built around it but when I saw a tutorial with the declarative config I was instantly sold.
I use ArchLinux with AUR and flatpak.
It’s just perfect for my potato laptop.
Currently… Slackware on main laptop. Slint (Slackware-based) on mini-pc. MX Linux (fvwm respin), Void, and OpenBSD on old laptop. NsCDE is desktop on all except MX.
I love to see Slackware representation in these threads, easily my favorite distribution of all time.
I’ve gotten used to Slackware in 25 years.
I used to use Void as my main distro, but then the developer drama made me shy away from it (keep in mind, this was like forever ago and I haven’t looked at Void at all since). After that I floated around trying everything, from Gentoo to the BSDs (I know, not Linux). Nowadays I use OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. I got tired of doing everything manually and OpenSUSE just makes everything so much easier to use, IMO.
I got tired of doing everything manually
Perhaps check out NixOS
Moved from Arch to Nix and loving it!
What do you most like? Thoughts on why others should give it a shot?