Hi, every morning I have breakfast with unsweetened soy milk. My cats kill me if they can’t empty my bowl, but because I add stuff like raisins which include sugar, I give them some plain soy milk instead. The vet said it’s “probably fine”, but I want to know for certain. Does anyone know for certain soy milk is or isn’t bad for cats? Thanks!

  • QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world
    20 days ago

    I’m not your vet, so I’m sharing this for informational purposes, but your vet seems to have the opposite opinion of most vets I’ve spoken with. I foster with a few different organizations, so I’ve spoken with quite a few vets.

    I had originally been feeding my own cats mostly kibble, but their vet strongly encouraged me to transition them to at least 50% wet. They won’t really touch the wet if they also have kibble available, so now they only get wet food in their dishes, and kibble is reserved for use as treats. My oldest had his annual exam a few weeks ago and the vet said his teeth look great.

    Studies have shown that cats that eat primarily dry food may drink more water than cats that eat primarily wet food, but cats on a primarily wet food diet overall consume more water. This is particularly important for their kidney and urinary health.

    Dry food also tends to be much higher in carbohydrates, and cats really don’t need carbohydrates, like at all. They need lots of protein and some fat.

    https://cats.com/wet-vs-dry-cat-food https://catinfo.org/

    • milicent_bystandr@lemm.ee
      20 days ago

      I’m not your IT admin, so I’m sharing this only for informational purposes but you seem to have posted twice ;-)

      • QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world
        20 days ago

        Ahh, yes, fediverse is fun. I accidentally hit the submit button when I was nowhere near done, so I quickly deleted the original comment while I continued working on my draft. Once I was done composing my thoughts, I tried editing the deleted comment, but even after refreshing it still shows as deleted for me, so I submitted my final draft as a new comment instead.