I don’t know if I’m going crazy but looking at the current situation in the world … please tell me that I’m overexagurating

  • lordnikon@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    No I really don’t I see water wars and cold war style espionage but no WW2 style conflict. But I also think we will have Societal collapse by 2030 due to climate change and being unable to grow food. Honestly after Cheeto got reelected I have just gone numb to all the of it. I am savoring each day.

    I hug my love ones just a little longer than I used to. I write a log of each day to I remember it a little better. I have made a bucket list and I’m trying to check off as much as possible. But even with all that I sometimes catch myself mourning the earth. Also it’s good to video your love ones it’s awkward but it will be nice to hear their voice when you can’t anymore.

    • meowMix2525@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      Defeated resignation is romantic and all but maybe we ought to use this energy to tear down the system before it destroys us. Get organized with a revolutionary party, yesterday. Nothing was ever fixed by sitting around feeling sorry for yourself.

      • lordnikon@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        No you are right if it was just a country’s policy that could be reversed that would be one thing but we already hit 1.5C and even if stopped everything today it’s going to be rough but we are not stopping everything today. We are going to accelerate for the next 4 years to make old rich people even richer. The climate doesn’t stop on a dime if we stop at 3C it will coast on its own to 4C. Also I do help where I can to ease the suffering around me. I donate $300 a month to my local food bank it’s not much but they tell me that’s feeds 20 people. I am part of a Mutual Aid Network. I still help I just have switched my energy from trying to change things to just harm reduction. Kind of like human civilization is on hospice and I’m the nurse that is just giving them morphine.

        Note I do this as a disabled veteran that needs a certain medicine in order to live. Once that med can’t be made I become confined to my bed then die a little after.

        • meowMix2525@lemm.ee
          2 months ago

          That’s fair enough, what you’re doing is already far more than most people. That’s awesome. Just trying to show the audience out there that there is more to be done, we can’t allow defeatism to suppress activism in a country where fervent, unrelenting activism is the only way shit gets done 💪

          • lordnikon@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            No you are 100% right I should probably delete my post to not put more of that out in the world. Or change it to be more what my main focus is spend time with the people you love as we don’t have much time left but I guess that could be about anything we could get by a bus at any moment.