I hate when people say that they’ll only move when it has 100% support

People who say ‘cant wait for steamOS to come out so that I can move to it’ is also very similar

They never will try Linux, even if what they want comes true

They won’t do it, whether they just fear change or think it’ll break stuff or they can’t bother

And I’m not going to lie, I don’t hate them or debate with them for it, I just hate the bold lies they tell just to get with the crowd

“Fuck you Microsoft, I’m moving to Linux” says the individual that would never move if they haven’t already

Frankly, I probably wouldn’t move either if Windows didn’t permanently break my ethernet and WiFi drivers, and reinstalling windows wasn’t harder than installing Linux, fucking hell

Either way, these people kick up hype for a Linux that will be so much bigger but they never arrive

Maybe they will, due in fucking 2028 or something when they invent a really easy way to use built in Linux tools to move your files from NTFS to Linux and then when you launch steam you have a perfect library of Linux compatible games that are as good or better than windows

And don’t lie, even now with 80% compatibility it feels more like 60%, whether because it depends on the system one runs or because the performance drops just make it not worth it…

At least don’t lie that you’ll move to Linux at a goal post that you’ll just move whenever you get close, maybe say that you’ll move to Linux when you finally get a new pc with a new disk or something?

  • Hellmo_luciferrari@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    I kept saying once upon a time"I’ll make the switch to Linux but X doesn’t work, so not yet. "

    I dual booted for a while. That “a while” ended when Windows ate GRUB.

    I had enough. I decided enough was enough. I kept windows on one SSD, just in case I wanted to go back. That didn’t last long, I wiped that drive, and formatted it to BTRFS. Now none of my drives are NTFS.

    For the one case I “need” Windows, I spun up a VM (and configured USB passthrough) for Windows. That is for a guitar pedal and amp that I need Windows for updates. But I don’t remember the last time I booted up that VM.

    For music recording and production I installed Reaper for Linux natively, but that was an easy transition considering Reaper was what i used in Windows. Sure VSTs were a big concern for me, so I investigated VST bridge type software. And I can’t recall the ones I investigated. But this is where I am at on my journey.

    I don’t care how “easy” it is to just stay the same and keep using Windows, it isn’t for me. I don’t agree with their data collection policies. I don’t agree with the “black box” mentality. I want to know what is happening on my system. I want to understand what I am using. And at a certain point with Windows, I just don’t have the ability, tools, or inside scoop to fully learn that.

    With Linux, the journey may have taken time, effort, and willingness to troubleshoot and learn but it ultimately is a better experience.

    There have been very few games I couldn’t get working on my system, but those games aren’t enough to sell out my ideals. I will never go back.

    I would rather be a farmer.