How much of the data do you think is collected, kept, and used long term? i.e. what proportion and amount

(I realize this might be a better question for privacy, but I managed to get myself banned for flaming some piracy folks)

    2 months ago

    I personally think that as long as our data has value to someone it will stay. Unfortunately(?) I think a vast majority of it will go the way of the void.

    Space has cost.

    Ironically that means platforms that cannot produce value from old messages will probably delete them. All these bytes are on storage media that probably wont last 10 years let alone 100+. Also never mind that the data itself will have to be on a media that other systems can use…so the html of today may not be used in 50 years or so, so reduces its value further. “Value” is subjective, but for most commercial platforms, its literally the amount of $$ they can get for the data. As soon as the data reaches 0$, it gets deleted. And as things get older and people die, these messages/data/etc… get lost, deleted, corrupted, or incompatible with the technology of the day.

    But short term, everyone is pulling our data because it has a VERY high value. So dont say anything on the internet you would not want your parents finding out :)