• bassomitron@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    That’s the circlejerk effect for ya. It’s also hard to discern people’s tone online, so some people may interpret a genuine question as something insincere. Not like it really matters though, points aren’t worth anything haha

    Anyway, I wouldn’t be so sure he’d fold and backtrack on unpopular policy. He rarely did during his first term, and there were many very unpopular things he did.

    Personally, I’m of the view that if Trump is implementing any economic policies like this, it’s going to be making him money directly and/or indirectly. So if that’s his ulterior motive in this context, he won’t care how unpopular it is until he extracts whatever amount of money he wanted out of it. Then, once he or his allies have made their money, they’ll roll back the policy and play it off like he had a change of heart and his bullshit PR outlets will spin it as him having some grand plan all along…