My grandparents practically don’t leave their home anymore. So the next time I visit them, I would like to show them something they have not experienced or seen before.

I thought of taking them on a trip to different places using Google Earth (or something similar). I just want to go a little more interactive than just showing them videos or pictures.

I am limited to my laptop (and their TV + maybe a Chromecast).

Do you have any interesting internet things or places you would show your grandparents?

    3 months ago

    This is a great reminder about perspective for so many things.

    Some people who are married and/or have children can’t imagine how unmarried and/or people without children could possibly have chosen that lifestyle and be happy or content. And vice versa, of course.

    I’m sure there are plenty of other examples. Your point about extroverted coworkers hit close to home since that recently happened to me.