Damn apples, going a little hard here. Not that he is suggesting anything.
He is right though. it’s not just one man. It’s a Yes man. A figure head. A sacrificial lamb. They want someone who will say yes to the greed of their corporate executives and the shareholders. They will find a new one, and tell him to lay low for a while. And once the dust settles it will be back to business as usual.
United took down their board of directors page. They are trying to hide. Don’t let them.
I was gonna say “someone will have screen shot them”…and there you are.
What’s wrong with publicly naming and shaming? The other side of the coin is that pushing policies that shortened the lives those they agreed to insure is “going a little hard” for capitalism.
Just because there are more steps between a board vote and a flatline than there is between a firing pin and a brainpan doesn’t make one act legitimate and the other criminal.
(ps you are obviously on our side, but we refuse to cede an inch of the societal gains made by the recent grassroots corp restructuring)
Nothing wrong at all. Be careful.
Will do. And thanks for the reminder. It’s always good to “stay ready and keep your powder dry.”
That’s Valerie Montgomery Rice, a supposed doctor, who helps other doctors violate their Hippocratic Oath. “Do no harm” doesn’t seem to mean the same to her as it does to others.
That looks like F. William McNabb the third.
Kristen Gil, part of UnitedHealthgroup. She’s not medically trained but has still found a way to use an MBA to give medical decisions to others.
Hey, that’s Andrew Witty of UnitedHealthgroup!
Timothy Flynn, a member of the most deadly healthcare board in history.
Michele Hooper has devoted her life to affecting others. She can’t be stopped.
This fucking guy is Charlie Baker. Thinks he’s too good to be Charles, thinks Chuck is too casual.
Paul Garcia doesn’t seem to care about others and managed to make a career out of it.
Stephen Hensley looks like death and is doing his part to find that quality in others. And he makes millions of dollars doing it!
If they live in the shitty states that don’t protect voters privacy, may be able to use https://voteref.com/voters?state=&search= to find their address.
Just saying.
Dr John Noseworthy. A doctor. He should know better.
That truly is a noseworthy name.
What’s wild is the person who was taken out? Not even the CEO of UnitedHealth Group. Bro was the CEO of the subsidiary company, UnitedHealthcare.
This is the board for the larger company
I personally will not tell anyone to kill more people but these folks need to feel fear.
Incredible thread. Thanks!