How to say so when something isn’t good enough. I’m super prone to just accept shitty delivery/products/service. My wife is amazing at saying “I was super disappointed” but in a way that gets the other person on board and often rectifies the issue. She’s super awesome at expressing limits without aggression and it’s definitely made me a better person to be around; before I would accept my own borders being crossed while the pressure was building and then explode with rage. Much easier to deal with things up front and then be authentic. Still learning but she’s great at this.
My ex (though really his mom i guess) taught me you can just run a half empty dishwasher. I grew up without a lot of money, so we weren’t running the dishwasher until it was full (big family, so pretty often). But when you’re one or two people, it never fills up so I was just hand washing dishes, hating my life. They ran the dishwasher every night no matter how full or empty it was. At 9pm, the dishwasher started. It’s stupid to say it changed my life, but now I just run it whenever I want. I also run my washing machine all the time and folding half loads is so much better, I no longer hate laundry.
It’s like 3 gallons of hot water and a bit of soap.
Should cost less than 0.50¢
My wife was like this when we met. She also grew up more poor than me. I still see her washing a lot of stuff by hand that should be in the dishwasher. Old habits die hard. The unspoken agreement is when we run out of a utensil, or get down to one, we run the dishwasher.
One thing my mom taught her through me is not putting good kitchen knives or any wood through the dishwasher.
seems like a waste of energy
The dishwasher is generally more efficient than handwashing. It reuses the water, so you’re using less water. In terms of electricity usage, I’m seeing around 2 kWh for one load.
I mean it seems like a waste to run it if it is not full.
Intuitively, I get it. But unless you just have a couple of dishes, it’s hard to beat a dishwasher.
My first serious boyfriend taught me how to change the oil, change a tire, and rotate the tires on my car. Also that I don’t like anal.
Hmmm. Technique and protocol is important in all of these.
Did it hurt?
Bahaha! Yeah, when he whipped out that 4-way tire iron…
A tire iron up your ass? No wonder you don’t like anal
Never heard a phallus called that. Youch
How to junction magic
Remember T/F/I/L Mag-rf is more effective than drawing
I was raised in a relatively high wealth family. Not personal jet rich, but still rich enough that we were going on vacation to fancy places a lot, dad had pretty cars, a big house, we went on ski trips, and played golf, etc. My wife was raised by a single mother with a more or less absentee father, working where she could to raise her two girls.
I already knew I was lucky and privileged, my parents kept telling my siblings and I, but it never really registered to me just how much. The skill I learned a lot about is empathy, I think.
How to listen to a woman’s intent over her words.
My GF in college whipped out excel and did some math in the spreadsheet while we were talking about something. So I decided to learn excel and that’s been a super useful thing to know my whole life.
That I’m allowed to have boundaries and a good partner won’t cross them.
Adding salt to your ketchup when eating fries, instead of salting the fries. That way it’s always salty enough on every fry. Such an easy hack.
My ex taught me how to crochet, which was pretty cool of her. I’ve always wanted to do stuff with yarn and having someone there to guide and correct me was so useful. I’m not sure I would have stuck with it if I tried to learn via online tutorials.
Thinking before speaking. I would just sort of stream of consciousness it before. I still do sometimes, because I like the surprising things that come out of my mouth, but it’s handy to be able to rein it in when nessa
when nessa
Omg, thanks I hate it…is this a thing? I mean I might love it, not sure yet.
Definitely not a “thing,” and extra definitely not contemporary.
I’ve only ever known one other person to say it, and that was the ex partner my comment above was about! They had a really playful way of speaking, and I realise in retrospect I’ve unconsciously taken on a lot of their little idiosyncrasies.
I had to look it up, but it looks like it’s a reference to this line from High Anxiety with Mel Brooks.
Love it. Thanks!
To press my index fingers and thumbs together to make a tiny aperture so you can see stars clearer at night.
I recommend dating a chef long enough to learn how to cook, that is a super helpful skill
he taught me piracy
Suck the roof of your mouth with your tongue to stop a sneeze.