
Germany’s intelligence chief, Bruno Kahl, warned that Russia’s hybrid warfare, including cyberattacks and sabotage, could escalate to the point where NATO considers invoking Article 5, its mutual defense clause.

Speaking in Berlin, Kahl noted Russia’s growing military capabilities, including battle-hardened troops and advanced drone warfare, which could pose a direct threat to NATO by the end of the decade.

Russia may aim to test NATO’s unity rather than launch large-scale invasions, raising concerns over potential “red line” provocations designed to undermine the alliance’s credibility.

    3 months ago

    Please keep in mind that independent-journalism isn’t allowed, in China,

    so … those numbers may be more propaganda than objective

    … and it isn’t just those-numbers, it is the entirety of all information about the Chinese economy which is suspect…

    Remember Evergrande group?

    They suspended trading of it, due to its imploding, & kept it suspended for, what, 2.5y?

    Then it imploded within hours, when re-listed…

    They’re hard disallowing their entire-economy’s implosion,

    just as the Biden administration’s been doing, after that recent multiply-the-currency-by-7x-but-don’t-allow-inflation bullshit they did

    ( “quantitative easing” has consequences! )

    WHEN deciding on which economic-system one wants to be in, it would be wise to decide also on how much percentage of propaganda in one’s statistics one is willing to settle for, right?

    That too is a dimension of the economy!

    _ /\ _