Having a car accident
Very few times since I switched off reddit, have I had an “opens post and sees my exact thought displayed at the top of comments” moments.
This is one of the those times.
Only 1?
I used to race alot, by my count Ive bent 6 cars into a nonfunctional condition.
Last week an idiot driving on the 3rd lane. Leftmost lane. Fastest lane. However you wanna call it. Realized last second that she was gonna miss her exit from the highway.
Decides fuck spending 5-10 minutes taking the next exit. From her lane, while only like 1-2 meters past me, decides to pull in front of me and starts braking. Then does the same to the guy on my right and again to the guy trying to exit. Thankfully I was paying attention and I started braking as soon as I saw her pulling in front of me. And thankfully the guy behind me was far enough and all. Nobody hit anybody, but it was fucking scary.
People are fucking idiots.
Patch of ice at an intersection caused me to lose traction just as I was about to go through, which saved me from getting t-boned by a truck running a red light
One time I went over a patch of ice on the highway and my car did a full 360 at 100 km/h. I was pretty sure I was about to die, but somehow I managed to straighten out and keep going without hitting anything.
I have all terrain tires and live on a dangerous road that kills 4 people a year. This road has a rock face on one side and a creek on the other side.
So it was snowing and there’s about 5 inches of snow on the road and the road hadn’t been plowed. This one girl, obviously not from the area who’s driving a front wheel drive hatchback going 25mph and clearly never driven in snow before. She looses control and hits the rock face and the car goes back onto the road and into the creek. I almost hit her because it was either gamble with the amount of traction I currently have or slam on the brakes and lose control. I took the gamble and went around which was the smart move.
And the woman?
She was shaken up about it and had some cuts and bruises from rocks, but the car took most of the hit.
I was in a car accident once.
Close one!
So not sure if this counts, but a few slow-moving vehicles were oiling the roads with an oil hose one day in a place I used to live.
And naive me thought it was a parade, complete with random things like truck trucks that just happened to be there.
It was hot, and I thought it was a water hose, and often at parades they might use the sprayer for fun, so me, who doesn’t know what she’s thinking at this point, tries to pursue the hose truck at the other end of the bend and maybe ask to get sprayed. Right as I’m approaching it, though, I’m positioned in such a way that, when the slow-moving traffic suddenly became fast again, I almost get run over, only to be saved by my own bad luck.
The heat really got to me that day.