yes i did a os one but i am wondering what distros do you guys use and why,for me cachyos its fast,flexible,has aur(I loved how easy installing apps was) without tinkering.

    4 months ago

    I’m currently using bazzite due to its really solid out of the box support for gaming hardware and peripherals.

    I’m really surprised everyone uses arch. I have three theories as to why:

    1. There actually aren’t that many arch uses but when arch users have the opportunity they won’t hesitate to say “BTW I use arch” were as others don’t really bother.
    2. There are lots of arch users and everyone uses it because they want to be able to say “BTW I use arch”
    3. (Very unlikly) There are lots of arch users and it’s because it’s actually a good distro that people like.

    (This is mostly a joke jsyk I’m sure arch is a great distro)

      4 months ago

      In my experience, the only quirk of arch is its installation. pacman and the AUR are great and I really did not have any issues with stability. First time I tried arch I used a tiling window manager, custom menu bars and all that “hackerman” stuff, which was not stable at all and forced me to reconfigure and tweak my machine all day every day. Now I am using a full blown Gnome desktop environment and it is rock stable. My only wish is to have an /etc directory just like Intel Clear Linux.