I’m a Linux noob. But I get suddenly when i try to download the updates the Fedora Software store is showing me, this fail,

package proton-vpn-gtk-app-4.7.4-1.fc41.noarch cannot be verified and repo protonvpn-fedora-stable is GPG enabled: /var/cache/PackageKit/41/metadata/protonvpn-fedora-stable-41-x86_64/packages/proton-vpn-gtk-app-4.7.4-1.fc41.noarch.rpm could not be verified. /var/cache/PackageKit/41/metadata/protonvpn-fedora-stable-41-x86_64/packages/proton-vpn-gtk-app-4.7.4-1.fc41.noarch.rpm: digest: SIGNATURE: NOT O.K.

  • somethingsomethingidk@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    A lot of times you will see the format string for the fedora version in the .repo file. This means its probably looking for f41. Since fedora updates fast, third party repos are usually slow to move to the next version and this repo probably doesnt exist causing dnf to fail. You can try and change the format string to the last available version. It usually works without issue, and updates aren’t disabled as long as the vendor updates that version