Not my experience, but my grandma (86 years old) told me about this woman from her area who was supposedly together with her dad (as in, this woman’s own dad) for decades. My grandma is a strong believer that this rumor is indeed true, because apparently it was indirectly confirmed by the woman’s ex-husband and the dad’s ex-wife multiple times. Both of them are dead now, the dad died in 2013 and the woman in 2016. Truly insane. Very curious about your own communities’ scandalous rumors.

    4 months ago

    This wasn’t in my community, but I worked with a guy once who was going through a rough breakup, and he shared some of the details with me and another coworker. Some of it was pretty wild.

    Apparently, his girlfriend found out he’d been looking at videos from a particular model, who he said looked like someone he had a crush on but never pursued because he was in a relationship.

    The twist is that this was during the whole “what are you doing, stepbro?” meme era, and the model he liked happened to make videos with those kinds of cheesy, over-the-top storylines because they were really popular at the time.

    It gets even better, though. He wasn’t actually into that genre of content. He just liked the model, and to avoid awkwardness, he always muted the sound when he watched, saying that if you ignored the titles and kept it muted, you wouldn’t even know what kind of video it was. He also said the acting was so bad it was almost funny.

    On its own, it might not seem like a big deal, but it stuck with me because after all that, he had to explain to his girlfriend that he had a crush on this girl they both knew or risk her thinking he was into that weird, meme-based content.