”We asked 10 autistic people if they’d drunken milk before and 100% said yes, therefore more milk causes autism!“ - peta, probably.
Am I the only Autist who is extremely offended by people saying “this or that” causes Autism?
It’s annoying when corporations try to use the condition as a tool to further their bullshit arguments.
You are absolutely right to be offended. I have neurodivergent people in my family. I love them dearly. I wouldn’t want them to be any different. My father (likely) had autism. He was a professor who got invited to lecture at the Sorbonne and wrote something like 30 books. My brother has autism. He makes far more money than I do because he’s a really good coder and he’s happily married. Neurodivergent people can live lives as full of success and happiness (and lack of success and unhappiness) as anyone else. They just do it differently.
Acting like autism is some sort of horror that parents should fear is disgusting.
You should be offended, and PETA has been doing this forever to make people think eating animal or animal products is bad. But their assertion also implies autism is a negative thing, which is untrue.
What the fuck. And I thought ‘vaccines cause autism’ was stupid and offensive.
I wouldn’t be surprised if PETA was secretly funded by meat companies as a way to make the image of vegans look bad
Interesting take. I wonder which aspects of their business you have in mind?
As much as I think campaigns like this are counterproductive to the animal rights agenda, I am strongly in favour of euthanasia, even mass euthanasia, as a responsible and humane solution to woefully irresponsible human industry. I believe that life is without intrinsic value, so it is straightforward to me that a life of suffering is worse than simply not existing.
I’ve been vegan for around 25 years, and in this time I’ve been interrogated about my beliefs enough times to feel confident saying folks tend to struggle more with the latter. Take, for example, the way no-kill shelters (or even rescue groups) tend to get sanctimonious at traditional shelters - the very same shelters they look to when they find themselves facing tasks too burdensome. btw, bbq fundraiser, guys!!
So, as long as we aren’t including this utterly soul-rending but critical work in our judgement of PETA, I think I’m with you.
Dude aside from the wack implication that you can develop autism, this is super fuckin… Like i dont wanna say ableist cause i dont view autism as a disability. obviously it can be but literally anything severe enough can be a disability, but i digress. This ad is just super fuckin agressive to people on the spectrum for no reason. I knew peta was bad but goddamn
It’s bigoted is what it is. Bigoted against neurodivergent people. Who, as you say, are not disabled.
A subset are disabled many because of how society has treated them.
While this claim might turn out to be false, the amount of vitriol hurled towards Peta really is something else.
The people who want us to give up all meat and even not have pets operate the biggest kill-shelter in the United States. They’re constantly preachy, condescending, they lie. Fuck em.
Euthanising animals that have nothing to live for any longer, who are dead-sick and are in agony. Compared to the billions of animals raised for animal ag, slaughtered on the daily, just to be sold for pennies in stores. I don’t think they’re the villain here, my guy.
Miss me with the “my guy” shit. It’s smarmy.
The post we’re commenting on they’re saying milk causes autism, like out of their ass. Just like they did with vaccines. You say they aren’t the villain, but making shit up about people with medical conditions doesn’t make you a hero.