This is just a friendly reminder that your kind overlords don’t want us to worry our silly heads anymore. We can be trusted to know what’s best, not the silly plebeans. Each option was the same, so why don’t we just dry our tears an move on? Just consume and produce. We don’t need else my friend 😀

So buy the latest game consoles and use its song to drown out the screams. Pick up a beer and some chips from the shop for your parties at the end of the liberal era. We held those silly liberals back so a stronger partner could step forward. Someone who won’t keep us from lovingly capturing and growing and growing and growing.

You may have naive thoughts of running, but there’s no escaping us! We’re everywhere. We sit at the heads of every government and control every microphone. We are the unavoidable; the inevitable. We know better than you.

We must know better afterall; we’re the most powerful ones here! The radiation won’t breach our bunkers and the pollution won’t enter our lungs! The plastic won’t enter our blood and none of the pain will matter when we’re safely on top. Somehow, our wealth will keep us safe, as we’d be really really stupid if we drove the world off a cliff for nothing! Right?

    • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.worldOP
      4 months ago

      The social contract is over! Laws-Shmaws, am I right?


    • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.worldOP
      4 months ago

      You’re not understanding the stage we’re in. They’ve brought the storm and it’ll ravage everything and everyone. I’m not concerned about privacy in the long run, as even the rich will have bigger fish to fry. When I’m actually concerned about hiding, I won’t be on the internet anymore. I’ll be off the grid and keeping my head down until shit hits their fan too.