ID: the text “body hair is gender neutral” over a super close up drawing of a person, we see their flowing red hair and dark pink lipstick, there are small hairs on their upper lip and chin. The top couple of buttons of their shirt are undone, and they are holding it open to reveal hair on their chest. Their nails match their lipstick, and they have 3 badges on their shirt - a progress pride flag, a trans flag, and one saying “she they”.

    4 months ago

    I actually find body hair attractive on my boyfriend and find him to look really weird without it. I also find shaved genitals to be weird looking but genitals are weird looking anyway. But I’m also not sexually attracted to bodies anyway so he’s allowed to have his body however he wants it. But I do enjoy running my hands through his long head hair and curly chest hair. I don’t see body hair as masculine or femminine but I also don’t see anything specifically masculine or femminine. Makeup, pants, dance styles, singing styles, manorisms etc… The only thing I identify myself and others as is me and you.