I’m a teacher and our division just “upgraded” to W11 with a new version of outlook that is basically a web app on desktop. Several times a day my laptop comes to a complete crawl while Teams decides to open itself. Can’t open or close programs, Firefox won’t register mouse clicks, nothing. Graphical glitches appear al the time with menu bars and task bars disappearing regularly, requiring force quitting the app or logging out of the desktop.

When I first switched to Linux I assumed my experience would be like this. But now it’s the other way around.

Rant over.

  • Voltage@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    4 months ago

    I use both but windows 11 has been generally stable and visual artifact free for me even more than windows 10. Like i have never seen BSOD on 11 yet but on 10 it was regular.

    Btw did you tweak it to remove bloat and crapware? Windows will break if you do it even if the bloat removing tool call it stable.