There was a finding that all males have microplastic particles in our testes.
It became a meme.
Everybody laughed.
New meme overtakes old meme.
We forget about our plastic testes and move on.
But, is there any issues going forward, that anyone is aware of?
Thanks for sharing the link - TIL something!:-)
without a matching drop in emissions, any country/business who participates in “green energy” is just doing propaganda
I would hardly call creating measured plans then executing the key steps towards making a stable jump to green energy propaganda, unless you’re of the mind that risking severe damage an entire country’s energy grid and in turn threatening possibly the lives of millions in premature actions is much more preferable. But I’m sure you’re smarter than advocating for that
I’m just saying that creating green energy sources is not sufficient evidence that someone actually cares about climate change issues unless it has results
Is having lots more green energy not a result?
only if america does it
If you were pointing at literally any of the western nations I would agree, especially with regards to their naked hypocrisy in the fact that they’ve been further expanding their emmitive energy sources these past few years. But pointing out that China, while having large emissions due to both its large population and due to international Capital moving massive amounts of manufacturing to China over the past few decades, has not only been making its internationally promised goals towards decoupling from emmitive energy sources and switching to a green energy network but has been rapidly surpassing them to the point its leaving the entirety of the G7 nations in the dust.
The fact is that currently it is very difficult for China to lower its emissions as doing so effects not only its own country’s economic productivity but the productivity of nations around the world. We saw an economic slump during covid due to China’s anti-covid measures disrupting the production of commodities across all industries. Performing premature theatrical gestures would objectively harm more people than it would help, therefor holding such a criteria is ultimately idealistic and ethereally utopian in its logical process
alright that’s fair, i was being too bitter and critical, perfect shouldn’t be the enemy of good, and it certainly shouldn’t accuse good of being propaganda