So he would trigger an article 5 incident to apease his ego? I hope one of is multiple cases gets him locked up. And I don’t care where, as long as it means he isn’t in office.
It’s worse and more specific than that. He’s basically saying “Russia is welcome to trigger an Article 5 incident, because I won’t respond to it”.
Well. At this point it feels like I’m just watching it happen. I can vote against fascism, but what the fuck else can I do?
We have to learn from Germany’s mistakes: armed resistance is legitimate in the face of fascism.
Libs will concede this fact when it’s too late.
There are soo many rabidly anti 2a liberals who don’t understand this. The cognitive dissonance when you point out that they are setting aside a key right and putting their faith in police and other authorities to fight fascism when they currently can’t be relied upon to NOT routinely discriminate and persecute leftists and minorities in a normal political climate.
Dad-blammed libruls!!! Thay as bad as’uh gummit!!
Feel free to put your trust and safety in State and Federal police agencies if Trump is elected. I’m sure it will work out well.
So basically he wants WW3 to happen?
He probably thinks that will keep him out of jail
The last guy to be president during a world war was elected four times, therefore…
Yeah but he was also a decidedly competent leader for most of that time. Trump wouldn’t be. He’d just try to cement himself as a dictator.
This is the best summary I could come up with: Trump is an idiot.
He’s like a walking hypocrisy. The biggest deadbeat in the history of deadbeats thinks our allies should pay up or be executed by Russia.
Riiiight, Diaper Donnie. Why don’t we get you back to the old-age home. I hear it’s almost time for pudding.