In his final address to the UN General Assembly as the U.S. president on Tuesday, Biden boasted about working for peace and deescalation through his administration, walking through historic conflicts that he claimed he opposed.
He struck an almost anti-war tone as he bragged about withdrawing troops from Afghanistan and, ironically, opposing South African apartheid in his younger years. He also spoke extensively about the U.S.’s use of the UN charter to support Ukraine and the need for global powers to end Russia’s invasion. He then called for world order, saying that “the center has held” and that global chaos has been averted, referencing a famous William Butler Yeats poem.
But Biden suspended his dovish talk when he spoke about the Middle East and Israel’s massacres — for which the U.S. has undermined humanitarian standards at every turn. While Biden dubiously claimed that his administration is working steadfastly to achieve peace in the Middle East, he invoked the October 7 attack led by Hamas forces — which officials have raised repeatedly in the past year to provide justification for Israel’s genocide.
“Global chaos has been averted”
The war in Ukraine is ongoing.
Israel is committing genocide in Gaza and revving up the West Bank.
Israel is about to invade a neighboring sovereign state.
Taiwan is threatened by the PRC.
Fucking nothing has been averted. I understand politicians seek to spin events in favor of their policies, but fuck’s sake. This is, to be very generous on the Israel front, like a flood busting a dam down, and then driving to the remains of the crushed city downstream and praising the preventative powers of the dam.
The civil war in Sudan
The civil war in Myanmar
The potential of a genocide going full swing in northern India
Was trying to keep it limited to situations we’re already deeply involved in, but yeah, there’s… a lot going on.
Sudan limping into the conversation
Go ask ChatGPT which nations are in OPEC. Some (or their regions) are listed (as unstable) in this thread.
They compete with Western Oil interests.
That is why these regions (africa and the middle east) are destabilized, that is that status quo, has been for decades. That’s the point, that’s normalcy for US hegemony (and western oil interests).
As for the other two issues you raised. Ukraine and Taiwan… Taiwan is never going to happen for a multitude of reasons, that’s just saber rattling. Always has been (hence why it hasn’t been attempted, even Mao knew it couldn’t be done).
Ukraine is serving it’s own survival and damaging Putin and the Russian economy in the process - there’s no real risk for America there, only a reward.
So all of this is why we have the major wars and current state of the world. Most of it represents “the center holding” as Biden put it. It makes sense if you understand the players and geopolitics.
huh, odd.

Now if all nations became energy independent, and/or green energy reliant, then you’d see these counter-OPEC wars slowing down and halting… And the oil would be worth less, and those OPEC nations would no longer be perceived as a threat to Western Oil interests.
China threatened by usa