Remember when the war was supposed to end when all the hostages were released?

I wonder what all the people who told me that the objective of this war was to free the hostages are going to tell me now?

    9 months ago

    So far as I’m concerned Netanyahu and his government are as bad as the German Nazis of World War 2 who tried to exterminate them. They’re now doing the same things to the Palestinians, while simultaneously swearing up and down that they’re not doing that, but really, who believes them anymore?

    Additionally Netanyahu is a criminal in his own country and is desperately clinging to power so he doesn’t go to prison.

    The real victims here are all the non-combatants on both sides, Palestinian and Israeli both. Hamas are animals who use the people they claim to fight for as human shields, and the Israeli government and military are genocidal assholes who just want to exterminate the Palestinians once and for all and take their land. The best thing that could happen here is that Hamas ceases to exist, Netanyahu, his government, and the elements of their military who are okay with killing Palestinian civilians all go away, and Palestine is declared a free and sovereign country, and this shit never happens again.