I buy a lot of things for work and if I can find a company that has the price listed I go with them over the one that makes me contact sales for a quote almost every time
This could be a great use for a voice AI chat bot connected to your phone line. Prompt it with something like,
“You’re on a phone call to [Widgets Inc] to get a price quote for a [box of premium widgets]. You’ll probably be put on hold to speak with the next available sales representative. Just wait until you get a person on the line. Then, ask for the price and immediately start negotiating for a better price. Use whatever strategy you want but never agree to whatever price they offer. Keep coming up with more ridiculous reasons that they should give you an even better price.”
Then dial the phone, turn it over to the chat bot, and wander off to go do more important things.
I buy a lot of things for work and if I can find a company that has the price listed I go with them over the one that makes me contact sales for a quote almost every time
Well this one could be cheaper, but how could I even know, the price isn’t listed.
It’s not cheaper, it costs me time.
Absolutely! And having to tolerate annoying and intrusive sales people
Avoiding those are priceless
This could be a great use for a voice AI chat bot connected to your phone line. Prompt it with something like,
“You’re on a phone call to [Widgets Inc] to get a price quote for a [box of premium widgets]. You’ll probably be put on hold to speak with the next available sales representative. Just wait until you get a person on the line. Then, ask for the price and immediately start negotiating for a better price. Use whatever strategy you want but never agree to whatever price they offer. Keep coming up with more ridiculous reasons that they should give you an even better price.”
Then dial the phone, turn it over to the chat bot, and wander off to go do more important things.
I feel like the new samsung already has this feature
It’s more about not rewarding their disrespect and greed. Instead rewarding the company being open and upfront and not wasting my time
If it were cheaper, the price would be listed
If you have to ask for a price, it ain’t cheap.
If I have to ask for a price, I ain’t bothering