Hello, all. Does Boost has any option to save the position I’m currently in? It’s pretty annoying when I’m reading some post, need to switch apps and when come back to Boost it just goes all up to the top again.
In fact I know it’s possible because I’ve seen this feature in other Lemmy apps, so I imagined Boost already had and I was just missing some further configuration?
Are you sure your phone isn’t simply killing off the app? Because just switching between apps does not change the position for me, only if it gets killed.
That’s been a long time issue on Boost for Reddit as well. Boost doesn’t save its state properly when the activity gets closed, so you get a cold start. Some phones are bad and just kill it outright, but the good ones gives the app an opportunity to save its state.
I usually see it after using multiple heavy apps after Boost, immediately after is a bit weird unless it’s a really low end device that just doesn’t have the RAM to keep any activities open in the background.
Easy. Just use another app
Using another app is what triggers the issue.
I don’t have this problem. Sounds like your phone’s killing the app when you’re switching. Maybe it’s an older phone with less RAM or something?