Israel is truly disgusting
The Israeli government is truly disgusting. FTFY
Israel is a settler colonial apartheid state that got founded through ethnic cleansing and dispossession of the indigenous population and the majority of its non-Palestinian citizens see no problem with that. Israel is disgusting.
There are good Israelis who want to see an end to this 76 years lasting injustice but the very idea of Israel is disgusting to its core.
Can’t repeatedly claim you’re the only democracy in the Middle East, and not hold your citizens responsible for who they elect.
I have so much respect for charity workers continuing to work in Gaza
Humanity & Inclusion’s team in Gaza was aware that civilians were at the site since at least April — and that roughly 1,400 noncombatants were thought to be sheltering there, including more than 480 children under age 5, he said. The Gaza Civil Defense agency suggested the number of people sheltering at the facility, which had been an Islamic school for boys before it was transformed into a shelter, was higher, telling NBC News it believed thousands of people had been seeking refuge there.
The IDF had no idea. Sure. 😒
You can’t seriously expect them to track every school, children’s hospital, aid center and shelter they bomb, can you? They ask look the same after a while… Blood-stained rubble and twisted rear. They’ve got 4 day old Hamas newborns to genocide - priorities, people.
Absolute fucking demons, and living in a country whose government supports Israel (though I don’t think my country is arming them) is sickening.
I mean, if they were demon, we could do some binding spell or something to contain them right?
Just ordinary humans, doing the same things ordinary humans did to their people, decades before. We really can be a messed up species.
I cast arms embargo, ICJ and ICC…
I just read an article that said both Kamala and Trump are keen on helping out. You know, with the indiscriminate murder of thousands of children.
I gotta say this is really dragging US’s public image through sewage. People weren’t too keen on the US’s foreign policy after that Afghanistan withdrawal, but basically delivering a country and millions of dollars of military equipment to a terrorist group on a silver platter doesn’t even come close to literally helping out murdering children and paying for it.
I sure hope the US government comes to their senses at some point in time, preferably soon and stops this for the literal sake of children. At this point what choice is even there for American people.
A lot of people dont understand US foreign policy. Do not interpret my post as taking a stance.
US foreign policy is all about 3 key issues, carrot and stick diplomacy, containing China and Russia, and protecting the global market.
Carrot and stick diplomacy is using positive reinforcement to make changes in totalitarian governments.
Containing China is all about making friends with countries near China and putting a base there, along with allowing companies, military arms deals, and joint intelligence to happen in that country.
- That is why the US wants Saudi Arabia and Israel to normalize. And do to that, the US turns a blind eye to tons of bullshit done by countries in the Middle East. If they were to normalize, then a solid logistics chain from Europe to the Gulf can be established, and the two countries would bolster the front there. Then the US could pivot its power projection over to Taiwan.
- The US is powerful, but its not tactically sound to manage three fronts at the same time.
If you remember how pissed off the US got when Russia put missiles in Cuba, then you can see why China and Russia will team up with everyone they can to foil this plan to contain them.
Since the world is now globalized, the US has to protect lots of boats carrying oil, chips, and food. If something fucks up, then everyone pays for it. Of course, if youre resisting western imperialism then its in your best interest to make people suffer by blowing up the boats.
Now geopolitics makes sense.
From here, then if youre an idealist, you can make an informed opinion on US foreign policy. Should the US continue its world police campaign at the expense of people suffering under its allies?
Can you achieve US foreign policy goals without suffering?
Will a reversal of US foreign policy lead to more domestic suffering in the West due to economic turmoil?
These questions should be debated and examined thoroughly.
The only purpose in normalizing relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel is to continue the divide and conquer strategy while destroying each country that opposes Israel. It’s the same reason why the US showers Egypt with money, to keep it docile. As each potential enemy of Israel falls, they focus their attention on the next target. Saudi Arabia will have its turn later and when it does, the US will bring out things like involvement in 9/11 from its back pocket to justify crippling sanctions and either regime change or potentially direct military action.
Countries useful to the US get carrots until they’ve outlived their usefulness, then they get impaled on the stick. Just ask Saddam after the US used him to carry out the Iran-Iraq war. Israel supported Iran in that war, by the way, because playing your enemies against each other is part of the divide and conquer strategy.
I don’t think the analogy to Egypt works, because they have a peace treaty.
We all know Israel and Saudi Arabia have a shared adversary in the form of Iran. The US wants them to normalize so they can take care of that front.
As for getting impaled on the stick, I’d say Pakistan got impaled on the stick, because its likely they were the ones hiding Bin Laden.
As for Saddam falling on the stick, that was due to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait over several reasons: a desire to reunify, oil, and Kuwait debt. That’s on top of having a history of using chemical weapons for mass murder.
And as we know, the US loves oil, but so does the world. Globalized markets want to be stable, and the US helps with that
Well said. This is a very complicated subject that people always try to simplify down to a current issue at hand. There’s never a true “right” answer, and isn’t one that leaves all parties without some suffering.
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Wow, the stupid bot thinks NBC news is left center too? Ridiculous.
Why blame the bot, it links you to the source of its output. It’s not like the bot has an opinion of its own.
Because the source of its output is rightwing garbage, and the bot spams every post here.
The bot has no opinion, but its owners have an agenda.
It gives multiple sources, they are all right wing garbage? What would you suggest they use as a different source?
I dont have an alternate source. I think the bot should be banned.