The simplicity of it is logic defying. It used to be that you had to find crosswalks or move puzzle pieces or type blurred letters and numbers, but NOW all the sudden I can just click a box and HEY!, I’m human?
That’s hardly the Turing Test I’d expected.
I always fail Cloudflare captchas because I’m clicking it with Vimium-C lol. I hate captchas for making me reach for my mouse. It also seems like a genuine accessibility issue if people who cannot use a mouse can’t pass a captcha.
I’ve found that Google’s reCAPTCHA has also started rejecting me no matter what I do. I think it might be because my IP address is a VPN, but that’s pretty stupid; if I can pass the test by clicking the squares why not let me in?
They want your tasty IP data
That’s when I just use another search engine.
Reddit blocks VPN and won’t let me in. OK bye reddit too lazy to turn off VPN ffs
I’ve had a few burner reddit accounts using a randomly generated yopmail email for the rare moments that I just want to read an answer for something I can only find on reddit lol
Use redlib, e.g. the instance I use:
This is helpful, thanks
No worries. You can also use LibRedirect to automatically redirect any reddit links to a redlib instance of your choice
The EXACT same thing has been happening with me and google captchas. I just switched to Proton VPn, and while I like it, the amount of capctchas I’ve had to poke through is ridiculous.
I’ve found that when Google decides to throw me a captcha, literally no amount of solving them will ever persuade them to let me in. I went through 10 in a row before I gave up.
Just seems like spite to me.
reCAPTCHA is a failed project. It was initially designed to lock out bots while being trivial for a human to solve but, over the years, captchas became more unintuitive and bots more sophisticated. Bots are now way better at solving captchas than humans and it’s just a useless time sink.
It’s those edges